Dokter Nadine Toma

Nadine is esthetisch arts en heeft haar passie voor esthetische geneeskunde ontdekt na haar studie geneeskunde aan de Universiteit van Antwerpen en ervaring in de dermatologie. Met expertise in injectable behandelingen richt ze zich op rimpels, volumeverlies en huidverbetering. Haar doel is het versterken van zelfvertrouwen en het bevorderen van natuurlijke, preventieve behandelingen. Sinds oktober 2023 maakt ze deel uit van het Carpe-team, waar ze uitmuntende kwaliteit en patiëntgerichte zorg nastreeft, passend bij haar visie op anti-aging.

“Prevention is the best cure! Anti-aging is meer dan enkel injectables. Het is een lifestyle, een skincare routine en de toepassing van gewenste behandelingen.”

Change telephone
accessibility starting Nov. 12

From November 12 we change our telephone accessibility. To ensure peace and quiet in our clinic and to keep our aesthetic treatments at the highest level, we will be from Monday through Friday can be reached by phone from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m..

With this change, we want to ensure that we can focus optimally on everyone who comes to us for treatment, both during consultations and outside of them.

Need to cancel an appointment or are you unexpectedly late? If so, please contact us. That way we can help you quickly and efficiently.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Carpe Clinic is always dedicated and focused on providing you with treatments and products of only the highest quality.

With increasing patient demand for innovation and the desire to remain committed to these fundamental values, as well as changing conditions at many suppliers, we are announcing a price increase effective 2/4/2024.

This allows us as a team to continue to ensure the best possible quality, to keep renewing and developing ourselves so that you can enjoy the qualities within Carpe Clinic for many years to come

Parking at carpe clinic?
Parkeren bij carpe clinic?