PRP behandeling
Blog Carpe Clinic

PRF/PRP treatment: stimulate natural beauty and hair growth

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a non-surgical treatment method to boost beauty and hair growth. Find out here what exactly PRP treatment is, what the benefits are and how it works.

What is a PRP treatment?

During a PRP treatment, injections are administered with your own blood. These injections contain the body’s own plasma with a high concentration of platelets.

The idea behind Platelet Rich Plasma is that platelets contain growth factors that stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This can help repair tissue, reduce inflammation, and stimulate collagen production, depending on the application.

PRP can be used for various purposes, such as improving skin texture, treating joint problems, promoting hair growth and much more. At Carpe Clinic, we specialize in treatments for the face and hair.

PRP behandeling

How is it different from a PRF treatment?

PRP and PRF are similar treatments where blood is used to promote tissue healing and enhancement. PRP contains other blood cells in addition to platelets and is centrifuged faster, while PRF is a thicker substance with a higher concentration of platelets and is centrifuged more slowly. The specific type of treatment used depends on the doctor’s goal and preference.

voordelen PRP behandeling

The benefits of PRP treatment

PRP treatment offers several benefits to the skin and hair. It can be effective in improving skin quality, especially in areas such as the cheeks, neck, décolletage and hands, where skin may be thin and sagging.

In addition, PRP can help reduce thin skin and fade blue and brown circles around the eyes. In addition, it is a valuable option for people dealing with hair loss or dull and lifeless hair, as PRP can contribute to hair rejuvenation and restoration.

PRP treatment face

In a PRP treatment for the face, the injected blood plasma contains growth factors that stimulate the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, leading to an overall improvement of the skin. This treatment is known for its ability to naturally achieve skin rejuvenation from within. This makes it an excellent choice for people looking for a natural method to improve the texture of their skin.

PRP behandeling gelaat

Preparation for this treatment

Prior to treatment, it is advisable to make an appointment for a facial analysis. During this consultation, our consultants will provide expert advice. Together we will discuss the problem areas and the desired end result. Before treatment, this process is reviewed with your practitioner.

It is important to be present 30 minutes before the PRP/PRF treatment so that numbing cream can be applied. This cream may be applied liberally in a thick, white layer.

Aftercare of treatment

Immediately after treatment, you can expect mild redness, bruising at the injection site or slight swelling. We recommend not applying makeup so that the blood plasma has sufficient time to take effect. During the first few days after treatment, it is advisable to use a sunscreen with an SPF factor of 50 on your face.

The result

After the treatment, you will immediately experience fresher and tighter skin. The growth factors continue to do their work for a while after treatment. To maintain lasting results, it is recommended to repeat the session after an interval of 6 to 8 weeks.

Resultaat PRP behandeling gelaat
PRP behandeling voor haargroei

PRP treatment hair growth

PRP/PRF treatment is a common choice for people dealing with hair loss or who want to give their hair a healthy boost. The plasma nourishes the hair follicles, significantly improving their overall health. This results in extended hair life and a significant improvement in hair quality. As a result of this treatment, hair loss is reduced.

Moreover, this treatment is suitable after a hair transplant. In fact, by applying PRP/PRF after transplantation, you increase the chances of survival of the transplanted hair follicles.

Preparation for this treatment

First, we ask you to make an appointment with our consultants, who will advise you on treatment options during a hair analysis. During this consultation, your situation will be discussed in detail. Our consultants will assess your problem areas and discuss with you the desired outcome. All of this information will be reviewed with your treating specialist prior to treatment.

Since hair loss can have several causes, this first step is crucial to determining which treatment is most appropriate for your particular situation.

Aftercare of treatment

It is important to remember that after treatment, Haren should not be washed for 24 hours. After the treatment, the plasma will stick to the Haren and give a slightly greasier appearance.

The result

It is essential to have realistic expectations regarding the results of PRP/PRF treatment for hair loss or hair enhancement. The full effect of treatment usually becomes noticeable only after a period of 3 to 6 months. This is because the process of hair regeneration takes time.

Resultaat PRP behandeling haargroei
Prijzen PRP behandling

Price PRP treatment Carpe

The cost of PRP treatments varies depending on the specific treatment area. We use the following prices for PRP treatments:

PRP for the face: The cost for PRP treatment of the face is €295.00. This treatment focuses on skin improvement and facial rejuvenation.

PRP for the scalp: PRP treatment of the scalp is subject to a fee of €250.00. This is specifically designed to treat hair loss and improve hair quality.

Total PRP treatment: If you want to treat both the face and scalp, we offer a combined total treatment for €490.00. This comprehensive treatment package includes both facial and scalp enhancement.

Carpe Clinic is here for you!

Would you like more information or have questions about our PRP treatments? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We are happy to assist you with the necessary advice on both a PRP/PRF treatment for the face and to stimulate hair growth. Are you already convinced and would you like to start your treatment? Then make an appointment soon!

Carpe Clinic

Contact us for more info or a consultation

After reading this blog post, are you considering a hairstetics treatment, or do you still have questions? Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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accessibility starting Nov. 12

From November 12 we change our telephone accessibility. To ensure peace and quiet in our clinic and to keep our aesthetic treatments at the highest level, we will be from Monday through Friday can be reached by phone from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m..

With this change, we want to ensure that we can focus optimally on everyone who comes to us for treatment, both during consultations and outside of them.

Need to cancel an appointment or are you unexpectedly late? If so, please contact us. That way we can help you quickly and efficiently.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Carpe Clinic is always dedicated and focused on providing you with treatments and products of only the highest quality.

With increasing patient demand for innovation and the desire to remain committed to these fundamental values, as well as changing conditions at many suppliers, we are announcing a price increase effective 2/4/2024.

This allows us as a team to continue to ensure the best possible quality, to keep renewing and developing ourselves so that you can enjoy the qualities within Carpe Clinic for many years to come

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