Nipple areola pigmentation
Medical micropigmentation in which a reconstruction is created in a highly realistic way (3D).
Every year, many women face breast cancer. Experiencing this disease consists of several stages. Breast reconstruction is performed by a plastic surgeon in the hospital. But for many people, the breast is not truly complete until a areola is also added. In this treatment, the optical presence of a areola can mean a huge amount. For men and women whose areola is too pale, too small, asymmetrical or lacks definition, this treatment can also be a wonderful outcome.
The specialist will discuss with you all your wishes and give advice. With unilateral pigmentation, we try to replicate the other side as best we can. With a bilateral pigmentation, we discuss the shape, color, size and details. The treatment is virtually painless as the surrounding area is mostly numb, the only thing one usually notices is the vibration of the equipment. If you wish, numbing cream can be applied.
Important: Discuss with your attending physician whether we can perform the treatment.
Free intake
Wondering what we can do for you? Then make an appointment now for a no-obligation (and free) intake. Together we review your needs and expectations for a natural result you feel 100% comfortable with.
Frequently Asked Questions
Above all, think carefully about what you yourself like. Bring any photos with you to your intake interview.
It depends. The treatment is virtually painless because the surrounding area is usually numb; however, the vibration of the equipment can often be felt. If you wish, numbing cream may be applied.
Usually two sessions are needed for best results. This is because your areola can lose about 40% of its color during the healing process.
It is normal for flakes and scabs to form. Above all, try not to pick at them, but wait for them to fall off on their own. Do not go in the sun or under the tanning bed, or to the sauna, and do not wet the area for the first 72h. Apply wound-healing ointment to the treated area for one week.
It is normal for the color to fade over time. It is usually recommended to refresh the pigmentation after 2 to 3 years.
- Jos Smolderenstraat 46B 2000 Antwerp
- Underground parking is provided on Jan Van Hoenacker Street.
- +32 (0)3 304 80 30
Monday through Friday:
from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Please feel free to contact us!