What is Hairstetics and why is it a better solution than hair transplantation?
A Hairstetics treatment – like any treatment at Carpe – begins with a comprehensive consultation. In this initial intake interview, a specialist doctor will ask you questions about your medical history, your current hair loss pattern and your expectations for treatment. It is important to have an honest and open dialogue during this consultation to ensure that you get a realistic picture of what can be achieved with the treatment.
A test treatment follows the consultation. At this stage, a small piece of synthetic hair is implanted to see how your body reacts. About six weeks after the test treatment, there will be a full treatment session. During this session, a local anesthetic is applied to the scalp to minimize any discomfort. Then the synthetic Haren are inserted one by one using the specially designed cartridge.
The amount of hair implanted is determined with the doctor and ranges from 300 to 700 haren. Each hair is carefully placed between its own under local anesthesia to achieve the most natural look possible. After the treatment, a grooming routine is suggested.